FlatBrokeLove: An Online Dating Service

I think that it could be a good time for a new type of online dating service that caters to people whose lives have been impacted by the current financial crisis. I would call it FlatBrokeLove.

Just think of the single guy who has to take extra care of his finances at this time. He doesn't even have enough extra cash to blow on those first couple 'bullshit' dates where he's spending money like a rich dude to impress the ladies (when in fact both of them know he's not really that rich).

Now if you set up a nice dating site where the fact that everyone is broke is brought out to the forefront then you might end up with a dating site where the stress of being Flat Broke doesn't hinder the ability to meet like minded and fun companions.

The site would also have articles showcasing cheap dating alternatives, cheap eats, free events and such to give couples a range of possibilities for their first dates.

It could even have recipes for two, and movie rental ads to give ideas for stay at home dates.

The site would be completely free, of course, with no hidden fees. It would be set up like Craig’s List, so that people could contact each other anonymously at first.

FlatBrokeLove could really be a fun site where materialism is taken out of the relationship building process which might even help build more rewarding partnerships.
FlatBrokeLove could even be built for free with Blogger! All it would take is a little creativity and the love of a Great Idea!

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